The Great American
Slave Rebellion
The Declaration of Independence's Supplement

"Know The Truth, and The Truth Shall Set You Free."
John 8:32
This was the most quoted verse in American - 1607 - 1899
This Trust, most commonly known as “THE GREAT AMERICAN SLAVE REBELLION” advocates that JESUS CHRIST at HIS Resurrection at The Cross provided Eternal Salvation to all of us who could and would believe in HIM, and that all of us who know the Truth are set free by The Truth.  We believe this means “Totally Free” and that JESUS CHRIST is also “The Truth”, and we must know HIM by deeply knowing HIS words.       
About The Website
The Great American Slave Rebellion embraces the present Great Awakening started in early 2023 to wise up many Christian Americans about JESUS CHRIST’S words (Matthew 17: 25-26) that indicate that we must be free from any taxes (Federal, State, local) which presently (as of January 15, 2025) constitute the biggest portion of the enslavement of wages, income, and gains in America.  Thereby are to that degree enslaving each American who therewith complies!
To Be As “SALT and LIGHT” for Liberty and Justice
To daily pray in JESUS CHRIST’S name, and to commune two or more hours daily with THE HOLY SPIRIT, and to assemble with other Christians confidentially will empower you to circumvent the regulations and loss of Biblical privacy the Obama Marxist Democrats have imposed on you and your children and will empower you to be as “Salt and Light” for Liberty and Justice in America.